TCARC 2 Meter Repeaters

This is our Bully Choop Repeater on top of Bully Choop Mountain. 6,975' elevation.

This is a fully "Off Grid" repeater, utilizing Solar Power to maintain our batteries. Bully Choop Repeater Specifications:
Output frequency: 146.925 MHz (minus) 600 kHz, PL 85.4 Hz

This is our Hayfork Bally Repeater on the top of Hayfork Bally Mountain. 6,257" elevation.

This is a fully "Off Grid" repeater, utilizing Solar Power to maintain our batteries. Hayfork Bally specifications:
Output frequency: 146.730 MHz (minus) 600 kHz, PL 85.4 Hz.

Pickett Peak Repeater: We are currently working on the installation of a new 2 Meter Repeater installation on Pickett Peak to provide reliable communications to the southern part of Trinity County.