Emergency Public AuxComm

In 2018-19, the County Health and Human Services (HHS) and Public Health Branch (PHB) obtained a grant that supplied dual band radios with power supplies, antennas and some other miscellaneous equipment to install 20 public AuxComm stations throughout the County. These stations are installed in VFDs, churches, schools, etc. Most of these sites also are used as shelters. The Grant also allowed the purchase of two new 2 Meter repeaters. One is being installed on Pickett Peak to serve South County, and the second will be installed Down River to serve that area of the County. Because of COVID and some loss of TCARC members, there have been only five AuxComm stations installed by 2023. We will be looking for assistance in installing stations in South County and Down River. These stations and the two new repeaters will open up those areas of the County with reliable communications, especially needed during disasters and emergencies. 

If you are interested in becoming involved with this project, please contact us.